Pray Ottawa

Bringing together prayer leaders to mobilize focused and sustained prayer

Prayer Is Powerful When We Come Together In Unity

Leading prayer can be challenging and lonely without like-minded peers who share their burden to see God move powerfully.

Pray Ottawa brings current and potential prayer leaders together to intercede, stay informed, and ensure that our city is saturated in prayer.




Saturate Our City In Prayer

We catalyze Ottawa’s prayer leaders through gathering, training, and keeping you informed

Prayer Point Newsletter

Every week Pray Ottawa shares a brief “Prayer Point” about a specific topic in our region. Through this simple weekly practice, we have the opportunity to pray as a city, in a coordinated way, for the efforts, challenges and well-being of the people who live here.

Prayer Gatherings & Events

We organize and assist prayer rallies and gatherings across our city throughout the year.

Prayer Mobilization

We are closely twinned with Love Ottawa and our small team serves as a hub to link you with other prayer leaders. Why? Because we feel prayer is more effective when we pray collaboratively.

Training & Resources

We coach and equip people in prayer, including prayer leaders, pastors, and people who want to grow.

Upcoming Events

Join With Other Believers in Praying for and Serving the City of Ottawa

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What Might Be Possible with God’s Help

A Letter from Sarah Jackson

Friends, we have a God who hears and answers prayer. It is a privilege to know Him and to be known by Him. And, together, we can intercede for our city in powerful ways. If you are passionate about prayer, I invite you to become involved with Pray Ottawa. We would love to get to know you, support you, and connect you with other like-minded leaders.

In June 2010, prayer leaders from Ottawa came together to pray and dream about what God might have for our city. Read the 70+ dreams we’ve named below…

And we have just started dreaming of God’s dreams for our city!

● A Prayer Leadership Team that would catalyze and support many other specific teams that would take on some of these projects.
● An Ottawa House of Prayer (for the city) – maybe several across the city.
● A Missions Prayer Base
● Prayer Walking of every street in Ottawa
● Prayer Adoption of every street in Ottawa

Read more

Pray Ottawa Teams

We partner with the following organizations to radiate the love of Christ to every neighbourhood of our city.

Ottawa Civic Prayer Breakfast

An annual breakfast to Pray for & Honour Our Mayor, City Councillors & First Responders

Prayer Postcards 4 Police

A local team that thanks and prays for all police officers and first responders.

City On Our Knees

An annual event to saturate every block of Ottawa in prayer.

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory.”

JOHN 15 : 7-8b

Unifying Prayer Leaders to Cover Ottawa

Pray Ottawa encourages focused and sustained prayer in order to see our city prayer-saturated.

We are focused on 4 elements:


Gather prayer leaders for encouragement, training, friendships, unity, and building teams.

Coordinating Efforts

Relay city needs so that coordinated and focused prayer can occur across all the congregations of the city.


Organize and assist prayer rallies and gatherings.


Train, coach and deploy believers to more effectively pray for the city.

Pray Ottawa is sustained by the generosity of ministry partners

Donate today to support the Kingdom work of Pray Ottawa.

One Way Ministries

We exist to help Christian leaders thrive and make an impact in their families, communities, and in the city at large.

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