Christian Workplace Organizations and Workplace Prayer Groups
One Way Ministries Workplace Network thankfully lists Christian Workplace Organizations and Workplace Prayer Groups, across different workplaces, denominations, and the public and private sectors, who share our vision of bringing God’s Kingdom to our workplaces.
Workplace Prayer Groups are groups who pray together, do a bible study together and/or share what is happening in their work and seek guidance from a Christian perspective. Members have enough in common, so they understand each other, can help each other and pray for one another and their workplace.
There are already several workplace prayer groups in both the private and public sectors operating in Ottawa. One Way Ministries Workplace Network’s heart is to see a multiplication of these groups and be a coordination point for those interested to join or start such a group.

Christian Workplace Organizations
Canadian Christian Business Federation
Christian Business Ministries Canada
Christian Medical and Dental Society (Canada)
Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers – Canada
Faith at Work List of Organizations
Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in Canada
Healthcare Christian Fellowship
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (Canada)
Military Christian Fellowship (MFC)
Nurses Christian Fellowship Canada
Oilfield Christian Fellowship, Calgary Chapter
Workplace Prayer Groups
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
PSCF: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
PSCF: Canada Border Services Agency
PSCF: Canada Post Corporation (Ottawa)
PSCF: Canada Revenue Agency/Veterans Affairs Canada (Billings Bridge, Ottawa)
PSCF: East Ottawa Morning Group
PSCF: Fisheries and Oceans Canada/Canadian Coast Guard
PSCF: “Lifers” Group, downtown Ottawa
PSCF: Natural Resources Canada
PSCF: Pest Management Regulatory Agency
PSCF: Place du Portage (Gatineau QC)
PSCF: Public Health Agency of Canada
Are you aware of any other Organizations or Groups not included in our list?
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