Partner with us to impact our city
One Way Ministries relies on funding and donations from committed individuals, businesses and churches who believe in the vision of walking together for greater impact.
Donations can be directed to our General Fund. We have several One Way Ministries team members that raise their financial support – Doug Sprunt, Richard Long (Love Ottawa) and Sarah Jackson (Pray Ottawa). We also raise funds for the Workplace Network.
There are several giving options:
Call the One Way Ministries office at 613-225-0210 to arrange an immediate donation via your credit card or to set up a monthly contribution by automatic withdrawal.
To donate online, click here or the logo to the right. It will bring you to the One Way Ministries page. A donation you make here will be specific to the One Way Ministries General Fund. You can choose your preference of either credit card or bank account and one-time or recurring support.
Cheques should be made out to “One Way Ministries.” Please make a separate note specifying General Fund One Way or the intended project (such as the support of Richard Long, Sarah Jackson, Doug Sprunt, Workplace Network or one of our Love Ottawa ministry teams.)
Mailing Address: 89 Auriga Dr., Ottawa, Ontario, K2E 7Z2.
Partners from United States
If you reside in the United States and would like to partner with One Way Ministries, please contact us at [email protected] so we can provide you with a special portal.
Tax Receipts will be issued at the end of the year.
Thank you for your faithful support of One Way Ministries!
One Way Ministries
We exist to help Christian leaders thrive and make an impact in their families, communities, and in the city at large.
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