One Way Ministries (OWM) is committed to making deep investments in Kingdom leaders, believing that through these efforts, Kingdom companies, Kingdom ministries, and Kingdom churches will be empowered to advance the gospel.


OWM’s Workplace Network endeavours to ignite a passion in Christians to be faith active at working and to activate entrepreneurs in the redemptive work of God.


OWM’s Pastoral Network fosters authentic connections, offers training, and provides prayer support for Ottawa’s pastors.


OWM’s Ministry Wives connects and supports women married to pastors or ministry leaders.


Pray Ottawa, OWM’s prayer initiative, unites prayer leaders to saturate the city in sustained prayer.


Love Ottawa serves and unites missional teams from across the city, providing encouragement, equipping, and exposure.


Leading Well & Living Out Your Faith Has Its Challenges

Whether in full-time ministry, a leader in the private/public sector, or married to a leader, the pressures of daily life are enormous.  Navigating faith, life, and leadership all at the same time can be challenging.

Since 1996, the team at One Way Ministries has walked alongside pastors and marketplace leaders to equip them with the resources they need to share the Good News with Ottawa. 

“One Way Ministries gives ministry leaders an invitation to flourish. But it is not just an invitation. OWM is there for the long journey – encouraging, learning and growing together.”
Hope Versluis

Ministry Leader

A Note from Mark Peterkins

Every leader needs support on the journey

Any honest leader will admit to you that leadership by definition is challenging. And many Christian leaders feel disconnected, weary, and stuck.

At One Way Ministries, we not only want to see Christian leaders reach our city with the Good News but we also want those leaders to be able to flourish in their personal health and spiritual life. We call this the “outward journey” and the “inward journey” and we’re here to support leaders in both.

We believe that through building authentic relationships with Christian leaders, connecting them to true peers, and supporting the work they are doing in our city, we’ll see leaders flourish and achieve lasting Kingdom transformation in Ottawa.

Whether you’re a ministry leader, a workplace leader, prayer leader, or married to a pastor, we would love to get to know you and serve you.

Take the first step by contacting our team today and subscribe to our e-communications to get connected to what God is doing in our city.

Join the One Way Ministries Family

  1. Get Connected

    • Sign up for our email list, Contact us and let us know more about you.
  1. Find Your True Peers

    • We’ll get to know you and connect you with true peers, training, and resources.
  1. Make an Impact

    • See greater transformation and live out your calling with joy.

Get Connected & Grow Deeper

One Way Ministries connects and equips leaders by creating opportunities for them to build authentic relationships with one another.

Peer Groups

Confidential space with other like-minded leaders with a heart and vision to build the Kingdom and reach Ottawa.

Prayer Groups

Where you can join other believers interceding for our City, your workplace, you and your family.

Events & Spiritual Retreats

One Way Ministries hosts virtual or in-person events and retreats to grow in your faith and allow you to connect with other leaders in the city.

Collaborative Outreach

Find other leaders who share the same vision for reaching the spheres and neighbourhoods of our city.

E-Blasts & Newsletter

With helpful resources, inspirational stories, posts, resources and invitations to upcoming events and experiences – your key resource for what God is doing in Ottawa.

OWM Creates Safe Spaces for Like-Minded Leaders

Pastors & Ministry Leaders

Pastors and ministry leaders spend much of their time supporting their communities but when it comes to their own faith journeys, they can feel alone. One Way Ministries facilitates safe spaces for pastors and ministry leaders to foster deep friendships and find the support they need to grow their faith.

Visit Pastors’ Network Page

Women Married to Pastors & Ministry Leaders

Women who are married to pastors and ministry leaders have an important calling to serve the church. But the pressures of this role can impact identities, relationships, and overall well-being. One Way Ministries helps connect ministry wives so that they feel supported, loved, and build even deeper intimacy with Christ. We call this group “Ministry Wives”.

Visit Ministry Wives Page

Christians in the Private & Public Sector

Every day that we go to work, we step into an incredibly important mission field. Yet, many Christians “leave their faith at the door”. One Way Ministries’s Workplace Network exists to connect, inspire, and encourage workplace leaders to confidently live out their faith and calling at work and in our city.

Visit Workplace Network Page

Prayer Leaders & Prayer Teams

Leading prayer can be challenging and lonely without like-minded peers who share their burden to see God move powerfully. Pray Ottawa brings current and potential prayer leaders together to intercede, stay informed, and ensure that our city is saturated in prayer.

Visit Pray Ottawa Page

One Way Ministries is sustained by the generosity of ministry partners

Make a strategic impact in reaching Ottawa with the gospel by giving to One Way Ministries.

“The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.”
JOHN 17: 22-23

One Way Ministries

We exist to help Christian leaders thrive and make an impact in their families, communities, and in the city at large.

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OWM Family